Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Schedule 1:1 Time w/the Dean

    1. Unity and Vision of the Bible

    2. The TANAKH--TNK

    3. The Pentateuch - Genesis - Deuteronomy

    1. Books of History

    2. Joshua - Ruth

    3. The Books of Samuel

    4. The Books of Kings

    5. The Books of Chronicles

    6. Ezra - Esther

    1. Books of Wisdom/Poetry

    1. Isaiah to Daniel

    1. Hosea to Jonah

    2. Micah to Malachi

About this course

  • $85.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content


Sheray Gaffney

Pastor ($RaechelleGaffney)

Having spent over 2 decades in ministry, Dr. Gaffney is ‘at home’ proclaiming the Gospel wherever he’s called. Although he has been blessed to occupy pulpits in metropolitan, suburban, and rural areas Dr. Gaffney has as much joy preaching & teaching in prisons, mental health facilities, senior citizen homes, courthouses, and on street corners. Dr. Gaffney has served in various leadership capacities under some of the most outstanding visionaries in the Body of Christ including: Bishop Paul S. Morton (Atlanta, GA & New Orleans, LA); Bishop Gary L. Hall (Jacksonville, FL); and Pastor Gary L. Williams (Jacksonville, FL). Dr. Gaffney has been a professionally certified educator in Math and Special Education for almost 2 decades while simultaneously serving as an adjunct professor at various colleges and universities. He is the author of 2 books: “The Least of These—Letters to the Looked over, Left Behind, and Locked out (Vol. I & II).” In addition, Dr. Gaffney has been the host of the ‘Food for the Family’ radio broadcast that has aired in various cities throughout the United States. Dr. Gaffney received the Bachelor of Science degree in Religion from Florida State University; the Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies and History from Union Theological Seminary in New York City; and the Doctor of Education degree in Organizational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Dr. Gaffney is married to Sister Raechelle L. Gaffney, Hospital Casemanager and Entrepreneur. They are the blessed parents of three lovely daughters (Ashlynn, Morgan, and Madeleine).