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Course curriculum

    1. Introducing Pastor Dr. Sheray Gaffney

    2. Hermeneutics Part 1 - Dr. Sheray Gaffney

    3. Hermeneutics Part 2 - Dr. Sheray Gaffney

    4. Exegesis/Eisegesis - Dr. Sheray Gaffney

    5. Quiz 1: Researching the Word - Hermeneutics, Exegesis, Eisegesis

    1. Introducing Pastor LaShan Marr

    2. Church History & Literal Translations - Pastor LaShan Marr

    3. Interpretive Translations - Pastor LaShan Marr

    4. Historical Context - Pastor LaShan Marr

    5. Quiz 2: Researching the Word - Literal Translation, Interpretive Translation, Historical Context

    1. Introducing Bishop Clayton 'Miracle-man' Johnson

    2. Grammatical Analysis - Bishop Clayton Johnson

    1. Mastering the Inductive Bible Study Method

    2. Inductive Bible Study - Episode 1 Deep Dive Overview

    3. Inductive Bible Study - Observation Overview

    4. Inductive Bible Study - Episode 2 Observation Deep Dive

    5. Inductive Bible Study - Episode 3 Observation Understanding Context

    6. Inductive Bible Study - Interpretation Overview

    7. Inductive Bible Study - Episode 4 Interpretation Deep Dive

    8. Inductive Bible Study - Application Overview

    9. Inductive Bible Study - Episode 5 Application Deep Dive

    10. Inductive Bible Study - Benefits & Limitations

    11. Inductive Bible Study - Conclusion

    12. Inductive Bible Study - Episode 6 Finale

About this course

  • $85.00
  • 33 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Guest Instructor(s)

Sheray Gaffney

Pastor ($RaechelleGaffney)

Having spent over 2 decades in ministry, Dr. Gaffney is ‘at home’ proclaiming the Gospel wherever he’s called. Although he has been blessed to occupy pulpits in metropolitan, suburban, and rural areas Dr. Gaffney has as much joy preaching & teaching in prisons, mental health facilities, senior citizen homes, courthouses, and on street corners. Dr. Gaffney has served in various leadership capacities under some of the most outstanding visionaries in the Body of Christ including: Bishop Paul S. Morton (Atlanta, GA & New Orleans, LA); Bishop Gary L. Hall (Jacksonville, FL); and Pastor Gary L. Williams (Jacksonville, FL). Dr. Gaffney has been a professionally certified educator in Math and Special Education for almost 2 decades while simultaneously serving as an adjunct professor at various colleges and universities. He is the author of 2 books: “The Least of These—Letters to the Looked over, Left Behind, and Locked out (Vol. I & II).” In addition, Dr. Gaffney has been the host of the ‘Food for the Family’ radio broadcast that has aired in various cities throughout the United States. Dr. Gaffney received the Bachelor of Science degree in Religion from Florida State University; the Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies and History from Union Theological Seminary in New York City; and the Doctor of Education degree in Organizational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Dr. Gaffney is married to Sister Raechelle L. Gaffney, Hospital Casemanager and Entrepreneur. They are the blessed parents of three lovely daughters (Ashlynn, Morgan, and Madeleine).

LaShan Marr

Pastor ($LaShanPerry)

LaShan J. Marr... Mother, Pastor, Teacher, Mentor and Motivator She was educated at Beulah Heights University and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. She is in covenant with Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International and a member of Changing A Generation. Her greatest joy is in serving the King by touching the lives of others. Pastor LaShan J. Marr has a passion to see the Body of Christ rise to our full potential in God. Author of "Cover Girl Uncovered - His Cover Her Mask"; She has walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and has come out with a testimony to bless the nations.

Bishop Clayton Johnson

CAG Church Council Chair ($BishopMiracleMan)

Regional Bishop of the British West Indies Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International.

Church Council Chair of Changing A Generation Atlanta

The "Miracle-man"

CAG ATL MIT Dean/Director

Prophetess Sophia Corker

Dean ($SophiaYolanda)

Prophetess Sophia Yolanda Corker has been a member of Changing a Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church in Atlanta since Watchnight 2010! She is the proud mother of two, Faith Bernell and the late Robert Earl Jr., and the wife of Robert Earl Corker Sr. At Changing A Generation Atlanta, Prophetess Corker serves as Pastor of Christian Education, Co-Captain of the College of Elders, a Sunday School Instructor and a member of the Watchmen and Warriors Prayer Ministry! In addition, she is the Director for MIT, Changing's Ministers In Training program. Prophetess Corker was originally ordained as a Teacher in 1997 at Gospel Tabernacle under the leadership of Bishop Wiley Jackson, Jr. She was then licensed as a Minister in 2017 at CAG ATL under the leadership of Bishop Paul S. Morton, ordained as an Elder in 2019, and ordained as a Prophetess in 2020! Prophetess Corker was part of the first cohort of Certified Teachers for the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship in 2019. In August 2015, Prophetess Corker published her first book, ‘Faith of a Child’. It is a collection of Poetic Memoirs, republished in 2018, that spanned over 30 years of her spiritual journey. Most recently, in April of 2020, Prophetess Sophia published her first online course entitled ‘Showing Out: Why We Act the Do’, a lesson in Emotional Intelligence & Maturity. She is a dynamic leader, mother, teacher, preacher but most importantly, she is a Changing Women!